Thank you for subscribing to Nation1099. We’re just going to go ahead and give you access to all the downloads we’ve ever offered to subscribers. They are in the box at the bottom of the page.

But first I want to tell you that as a reward for being part of this community, I have a learning opportunity to share with you that will help you move forward on your journey to finding better clients.

Nation1099 is partnering with Laura Pennington, the career coach behind Six Figure Writing Secrets, to give free access to her self-paced course on Time Management for Freelancers.

Laura’s coaching services help creative professionals like us to sustain satisfying independent careers. If you have been trying to get control of your freelance work and move to the next level, this is a terrific opportunity to sample what one of the best coaches out there has to offer.

I think you’ll get a lot out of it. In fact, Laura is giving this course away for free because she’s confident you’ll want to keep working with her.

To get this free course, all you have to do is share Nation1099 with your freelance colleagues to let them know they ought to check us out.

We’ll give you your own unique tracking code to share by email or on social networks.

When 10 of your colleagues have visited the site using your referral link, that will unlock Laura’s course for you!

You should hurry, though. Laura is limiting how many free access codes she’s going to give us.

You can get started right now. To get your referral link, just fill in the form below.

-Robert McGuire, Founder of Nation1099