Advice And Inspiration For Your Freelance Career

What Are The Advantages of Freelancing While In College?

What Are The Advantages of Freelancing While In College?

Freelancing while in college has two unique advantages over internships and part-time jobs to help you start your career. If you have specific skills in technology, software development, writing, marketing, market research or accounting, then you are ready to take on short projects and begin building your your resume.

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What Are The Growth Projections For the Freelance Economy?

What Are The Growth Projections For the Freelance Economy?

You may have heard that an enormous percentage of the workforce is freelance. Those stats include people in traditional jobs who freelance on the side. They may freelance a lot and may only once in the last year. So those headlines can be misleading. We’ll show you more meaningful growth projections for freelancing.

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8 Best E-Learning Websites for Freelancers

8 Best E-Learning Websites for Freelancers

More freelancers are advancing their careers with online courses. There are many great e-learning websites for freelancers who want to grow their skills on their own terms. We weigh their pros and cons of some of the most common online learning sites.

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Gig Economy News

Gig Economy News

In this digest of gig economy news, we track topics including freelance industry news, regulation, products and services, freelance studies, freelance marketplaces. This is also a trend watch tracking early signs about what is coming in the gig economy.

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