The Nation1099 survey found that one third of career freelancers successfully scale their businesses enough to have subcontractors or employees.

Getting to that point — or just working on the most profitable and interesting projects as a solo — you need to escape the vendor relationship with your clients and get into . . . something more meaningful.

What is that something and how do you get there? That’s what this week’s guest on The Next Level Freelancing Show will advise us on — design thinking and other creative approaches to scaling your freelance business

Peter Sena is co-founder and CEO of Digital Surgeons,  an innovation and experience design company. A former freelancer himself, Pete built an international agency specializing in experience design, creative marketing, and digital business model innovation. He now hires many freelancers, and his latest project is nurturing a community of startups, small businesses and solopreneurs.

Join us for this special episode, live from the Digital Surgeons offices.