You bet! We’d love for you to share your point of view about growing a freelance business.
If you’re interested in submitting, keep in mind that Nation1099 is for the advanced and advancing freelancers. They already know the basics and they are trying to get their freelance career to the next level.
Before sending your draft, ask yourself these questions first:
- Does my article add value for readers on the topics Nation1099 covers?
- Is it in the spirit of what’s described on the vision page?
- Is it very strong and clear writing?
- Is it “unGoogleable”? Does it offer an insight that isn’t already obvious to a reader who spends a little time searching on Google on this subject?
- Can it stand on its without referencing me or my company?
If the answer to questions 1-4 are no, then it might not be developed enough or advanced enough for our readers.
If the answer to question 5 is no, then it may be too self-promotional.
We do want you to reference you or your company’s work — and other authoritative outside sources — when it is highly relevant and comes up organically. In that case, by all means, mention your company. Links in that case are fine.
But if the main intent of the article is promotion for your company, we won’t be able to use it. The test of whether the article still offers a lot of value to readers is to imagine it without those mentions of you or your organization. Is it still worth reading?
If you answered yes to all the above? Then we are eager to hear from you.
Another great description of how to guest post effectively comes from the experts at Muffin Marketing.
Naturally, your guest post must be original and exclusive. We can’t reprint articles that appear elsewhere. However, a new expression of an idea or concept that you’ve shared elsewhere is perfectly fine.
We also can’t use guest posts with affiliate links.
Two more points for stand out guest posts:
First, we will be really glad to have your contribution if you plan to eagerly share the finished article yourself. We’ll work hard to promote it and hope you will too.
Finally, another sign of a great guest post is referencing and linking to other articles already on this site. That demonstrates that you are familiar with our audience and subjects.
If this sounds like you, then please pitch us a topic for a guest post or send us a draft to review.