Client relationships have long been compared to the dynamics of a healthy romance. Much of the projected success of an independent contractor-client relationship stems from the initial consultation — not unlike the high stakes “first date.”
In many ways the initial consultation sets the expectations on both sides and either creates trust needed later . . . or it creates a shaky foundation that limits progress on the project.
We’ve put together a checklist of topics you should make standard procedure in the onboarding and consultation process for new clients.
These talking points will boost the confidence of your prospective client during the initial consultation. They will also establish the protections you need to in order to do the job sucessfully.
Demonstrate a proactive approach to your project management
One of the biggest mistakes independent contractors make when communicating with clients is that the contractor becomes overly reliant on the client for direction.
It’s great to show you genuinely care about understanding a client’s business and want to grasp the goals and metrics that matter to them. That’s what your consultation and onboarding phase should focus on.
But that doesn’t mean you should ask a million questions along the lines of “How do you want me to do this?”
This is a rookie mistake made by freelancers who still view their clients as the “boss.” You’re not a day laborer. You’re running a serious business. So make sure you show initiative.
Remember that your prospective clients look to hire freelancers and consultants to unburden themselves from tasks they can’t do themselves. No client wants to feel like they are training you. Otherwise, they might has well have hired an employee.
Your job as a freelancer is to provide immediate value.
It’s important to emphasize to clients in the initial consultation that you’ll need some degree of engagement and feedback from them, but that you are also a driven and independent worker who can get things done right with minimum busy work necessary on your client’s end. This is a huge plus from the customer’s perspective.
It’s also a good idea to give your prospect some recommendations or initial tasks that you would get started with right away, if the project were to commence immediately and pending more discussion about their overall goals.
You don’t need to “give away the farm,” but this paints your work as a turn-key solution in an un-pushy way.
Work for the client, but design for their customers
Some clients confuse their needs with their customers’ needs. A client hires you to work for them, but you won’t provide full value if you think only in terms of making them happy.
Your clients aren’t the people who need to have a great experience on the website you are designing. Or they aren’t the people who need to be wooed by the copy you write. Part of the value you provide to the client is to help advocate for the customer’s point of view.
Sean McCabe, founder of the Seanwes educational media community, frames this point very well in a terrific podcast on client relations:
“A professional does not design for the client,” says McCabe. “A professional designs for their client’s customers. Your client’s personal preferences are no concern of yours. Similarly your own personal preferences. They have no place in an objective design process.”
This is why it’s so important to discuss metrics in your initial consultation with freelance clients. What are you trying to accomplish? What measurable change are you trying to create? When you know that, then personal preferences are easier to put aside.
Define the SOW and revision process
We’ve made a case for prioritizing a scope of work in early exchanges with new clients. However, many freelancers overlook the importance of a well-defined revision policy, especially in the initial consultation.
Related reading: The Freelance Contract: How to Write an Effective Statement of Work
One way scope creep can sneak in is through the feedback phase. In the same way many people will take exactly as long as they have to finish a task, a client will often take as many opportunities as you allow to have your work revised and “optimized.” The point of diminishing returns can come all too quickly.
You want to make potential clients feel comfortable about working with you. Establish during your initial consultation and client onboarding that revision is a vital and expected part of your process goes a long way toward fostering that necessary comfort level.
However, you need to be crystal clear about what this entails. How is a revision defined and how many revisions are included in your SOW?
Alternatively, what qualifies as new work that needs to be billed? If you know the scope, then you can recognize what’s “beyond the scope.”
Brand experience consultant and founder of My Visual Brief Egle Karalyte recently wrote up an awesome piece on how to properly set expectations for client revisions.
“Knowing these boundaries, they should respect the process (you might need to remind them a few times along the way) and not take advantage of you by asking for numerous revisions based on their whims,” says Karalyte.
Don’t discuss pricing during the initial consultation
Pricing is its own tricky topic (which we’ve discussed here in some length), but the main ideas are simple:
First, people who ask your rates before discussing goals and metrics are just tire kickers. Don’t waste time with tire kickers. You’re just going to end up working at the bottom of the pay scale in your market. Your goal isn’t any client. And your goal isn’t more clients. Your goal is better clients. You won’t find them among the tire kickers.
Second, emphasize the value you bring to the client in the long-term (additional traffic, completed orders, brand authority). Your work is not a cost center. It’s an investment in business growth. Make sure your prospective client is thinking in those terms before you begin discussing price.
Third, be clear about the pricing model you need to work with. We’re big believers in upfront payments.
More reading about rates and fees
- 5 Biggest Things You’re Forgetting in Your Freelance Rates
- 2 Signs Your Freelance Fees Are Too Low
- 7 Powerful Strategies for Getting Recurring Income as a Freelancer
- How to Smartly Raise Your Rate (and Handle Unsustainable Clients)
- Is A Client Putting You In A Crunch — Charge a Rush Fee!
Set up the next consultation and remember the “two way-street” analogy
We all know clients can get wrapped up in many other things and lose focus on tasks that are less immediate, like onboarding a new contractor. Often a client will want time to think on your offer or to consult with colleagues.
It’s important to be courteous here, but the client also needs to be respectful of your time and scheduling obligations.
You are well within your rights to politely request a time to follow up with another call to seal the deal or get a concrete answer.
Lastly, do not forget you are also vetting this client and gauging for fit. Even if all of the above points are well-received, if any major red flags surface during your communication, take them to heart — you may be the one making the big decision in the next communication!
Also on this subject: When a Prospect Says “No” . . . Can it Mean “Not Yet”?

Ben Shanbrom is a freelance writer, musician and copy editor who works with artists and other clients around his native New Haven and well beyond.