When and How To Fire a Freelance Client
General rules and a script to follow when you have to fire a freelance client. Also , 7 common reasons for breaking up with your clients.

19 Things To Do Right Now To Attract New Clients
Don’t have the hours in the day to attract new clients? We have step-by-step advice from the experts on more than 20 steps you can take to get more out of your networking, find freelance clients and grow your gig economy business.

Ultimate Guide to Gig Economy Data: A Summary of Every Freelance Survey We Can Find
How many people are in the gig economy? It’s not hard to find statistics about freelancers, but it’s hard to get real insight. We round up all the major studies of the workforce, break down all the gig economy data, and help explain how many freelancers there are.

Freelance Finances: Manage Your Income Like A Thriving Artist
Freelance finances are unique, but most financial advice isn’t tailored for artists, creatives and other independent workers. Our expert guest explains some of the unique financial issues freelancers have to consider and offers some helpful budgeting tools.

What Does Thriving In the Gig Economy Look Like: A Q&A with Marion McGovern
Marion McGovern’s new book, Thriving In the Gig Economy: How to Capitalize and Compete In the New World of Work, examines how best-in-class business and creative professionals are choosing to work independently. In this Q&A she shares advice for freelancers on setting rates, branding and marketing.

2 Signs Your Freelance Fees Are Too Low
Your freelance fees are too low low if you are feeling busy and overwhelmed or you don’t have time for business development. This guide will show you a process for raising freelance rates for your clients in a way that buys you more time and grows your business.

A Script To Help Raise Your Rate With Current Freelance Clients
Do you want to raise your rate for freelance or consulting work but aren’t sure how to bring it up with your current clients. We have a script you can use to start making the transition to higher paying clients.

How To Charge a Rush Fee For Freelance Clients Without The Drama
Sometimes freelance clients get in a bind and have a rush job. Here is how to charge a rush fee with a professional attitude that provides a valuable service. The idea that rush fees should be a deterrent is outdated. The wording in these examples will help you get better clients and make more money.

Set Freelance Rates By Starting With This Expense Formula
Confused about how to set freelance rates? You need a real picture of your all-in expenses, including taxes, insurance, retirement and marketing costs. This formula calculates expenses so you know the minimum freelance or consulting fees you should charge.

4 Steps To Creating a Clear Freelance Brand
A freelance brand is built knowing how your dream clients are unique and how you are unique. If you are an experienced freelancer or consultant stuck doing commodity work for clients who don’t inspire you, this guide will help you energize your career quickly. Downloadable workbook included.

5 Ways to Get Freelance Clients Using Content Marketing
Freelance writers already know how how content marketing helps grow a business. That’s what they’re selling usually. But what about designers, developers and other creatives. Can you really get freelance clients with great content? Definitely. Let’s see how the experts do it.

How To Make A Great Consulting Website
A consulting website is the new business card for the gig economy. Make sure that your website has the crucial features it needs to keep prospective clients coming to you.

How to Make The Best Online Portfolio for Freelance Marketplaces
What kind of online portfolios grab a clients attention when they are searching freelance marketplaces? The experts at Skyword’s creative team share their guide for posting the best online portfolio to get more clients.

Get More Clients By Knowing What Businesses Look For In Freelancers
If you want to get more clients for your freelance or consulting career, you have to understand what businesses worry about. Understand their point of view and what keeps them up at night, and you’ll know why they are slow to hire freelancers and what makes them say yes. Master these skills to find more clients.

The Best Freelance Websites and Marketplaces – Updated List of Freelance Job Sites
*Updated monthly* We track the best freelance websites to grow your freelance career. We discuss over 35 places to find freelance jobs. Organized by niche and with several new freelance sites for 2018. Find the gig economy website that works best for you.

What Do H.R. Leaders Need to Know About the Gig Egonomy?
What are the H.R. implications of the growth in the freelance workforce? We won’t get into the compliance, classification, legal and purchasing implications for human resources professionals. Let’s just consider what the rise of freelancing means for your talent strategy.

How Can Freelancing Help Me Balance Family and Career?
The number one thing you can do to balance family and career is to go freelance. One survey after another shows that the single biggest driver of the growth of freelancing is frustration with work/life balance. Read how freelancers are building careers and getting their lives back at the same time.

How Can I Use Freelancers In A Small Business Talent Strategy?
The growth in freelancing as a huge advantage for your small business talent strategy. If you are good at sourcing, onboarding, engaging and retaining your independent contractors, you will set yourself up to win in a talent war with your competitors.

What’s Driving the Growth In Freelancing?
The growth in freelancing is being driven primarily by lifestyle issues, with new technology unleashing pent-up demand that has always been there. Consider these stats about work/life balance and low employee engagement.

How Do You Quit Your Job to Go Freelance?
How to quit your job to go freelance the smart way. Most people jump to freelancing after building a client base through side hustles, often in secret. But a better way is to make your employer the foundation of your business by converting them to your first client. Try this script when you give notice to your boss.